The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Two Creations

Gen 1:1—God creating the heavens and the earth
Is the rest summary?  If so, how is the earth already existing in v. 2? 
Either the earth is eternal, or it has a beginning.  If it has a beginning, it isn’t described in Gen. 1.

Heb 1—That which was seen was created from that which was unseen

Gen 1 isn’t describing the creation of earth.  In fact, earth, sea, and darkness already existed by v. 2 without any word.  But we know they were created by God because all things that we see are created. 
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. (Joh 1:3 NAU)
All this is to say that Gen 1 is an inadequate creation story.
Where did the earth come from?  Did it begin as void, or was it made that way?
Where did the sea come from?  Did God create it?  Or was it already there?
What scientists have as the base problem with young earth creationist theory:  All evidence shows a progression over time, not an instant creation.  Christian theories of creation insist upon a one-time, never-will-change-again creation, which is against all evidence found in the earth itself.
But isn’t the flood a repeat of the original creation?  The earth existed, it was covered with water, God re-formed it by his word.  After the flood, he set man to re-form it, which makes sense with Gen 1 and Psalm 8.  If there are two descriptions of the re-formation of the earth, isn’t it possible that there were others?
A professor once told me, “The problem with I have with young earth creationists isn’t their science, but their Bible.”  They throw assumptions around and hope that they will stick.  Assumptions about Gen 1 being the first and only creation.  Assumptions about the meaning of certain words.  They take one poor interpretation of the Bible and then make it the stick by which they measure who is a true believer in the Bible.

A better interpretation:
1.       God created the heavens and the earth by His word.  This was done in time immemorial, in the beginning, which cannot be measured or determined. 
2.       Jesus is the Word.  He was with God in the beginning, and assisted his creation.  God spoke the Word and the Word created. 
3.       When God created the heavens, he also created spirits.  These are powerful beings like God, but not as powerful as God.  They also assisted in creation.
4.       When God created the heavens and the earth, he made it as “good”.  God does not make chaos or void.   He makes order and peace. 
5.       The earth and heavens could very well have gone through many transformations over a very long period of time.  In the Bible we have at least three “creations” described: The initial creation of the heavens and earth; the establishment of the human earth; and the re-creation after the flood.  Other creations could have occurred since time immemorial.  And it could be that modern scientists are finding evidence of these earlier creations.

6.       How did the earth become chaotic if God made it good?  His enemies made it so.  But that requires more background…


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