The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Poor in Spirit

A.      Definition of “poor in spirit”

“Poverty” includes, but is not limited to, material or financial poverty.  It is those who are in a position of weakness that is taken advantage of by those who are wicked.  It could be termed “oppressed” or “destitute.”  It is in the same range of meaning to “persecuted.”    “In spirit” refers to the Holy Spirit, who has already been mentioned earlier in Matthew, and is the only uses of the word pneuma thus far in Matthew—and is used that way almost exclusively in Matthew (13 out of 14 undisputed meanings—two contexts are unclear whether it is Spirit or spirit, our text here and 26:41).

B.      Understanding of Beatitudes

Summary: Poor in the Spirit gain the eschatalogical kingdom of heaven
                The suffering gain the kingdom: 3 verses
                                Those who mourn (due to opposition) will be comforted (by having opposition negated)
                                The meek (those who chose/have it thrust upon them to be helpless in the face of opposition) will inherit the earth (will rule in God’s kingdom)
                                Those who greatly desire justice (a correct balance in favor of the innocent) will be satisfied (will have that justice realized)
                The righteous guided by the Spirit gain the kingdom: 3 verses
                                Those who are merciful (display benevolance to others) will receive mercy (gain benevolance from God on the final day)
Those who are pure in heart (those who do not hold sin in their hearts, the source of all sin) will see God (thus, they are holy, for God can abide only holiness in his presence).
Those who make peace (cause reconcilliation between brothers or between brothers and God) will be called sons of God (those who are imitators of God and who inherit his kingdom).
                Summary: Those who are persecuted for righteousness gain the kingdom of heaven

C.      OT Sources

Isaiah 61—Focus in on the afflicted receiving Justice from God.  It is a prophecy of the salvation of God on those who have suffered in their lives.
Psalm 37—In the context of the Anawimic psalms (where the Psalmist cries out for the Lord to deliver him from affliction), the focus is on those who have suffered oppression from the “wicked”, who are judged on the final day.

D.      Contexts of Passage

Context of Sermon on the Mount: If only due to following the law of Jesus, the follower of Jesus is ripe for affliction and suffering and poverty—they are persecuted, plead for daily bread, rightfully wonder where tomorrow’s bread and clothing will come from, do not store up possessions, do not serve Mammon— then justice may be their rallying cry.
Context of Matthew: In two long passages, the persecution of the disciples are spelled out (chs. 10 and 24).  And the suffering of the disciples is mentioned in many logoi (16, 19, etc.).  Jesus himself is the fulfillment of these beatitudes, having suffered at the hands of evil doers, then receiving salvation as his just due.

E.      Conclusion

Those who receive the rewards of the kingdom are not just those who are righteous, but those who suffer due to the lowly position righteousness places one.

Exact phrase "poor in spirit"
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling.
 19 It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly Than to divide the spoil with the proud.
(Those who are poor, socially lowly)

Similar phrases
"oppressed" or "hard" in spirit-- I Samual 1:15  (wife mocked for inability to conceive)
anguish of my spirit/bitterness of my soul-- Job 7:11  (Disease, death of family, loss of riches)
Brokenhearted/crushed in spirit-- Psalm 34:18  (troubled, afflicted)
forsaken and grieved in spirit-- Isaiah 54:6  (wife cast away)
Contrite and humble spirit-- Isaiah 57:15  (judged by God for sin)
Spirit of fainting-- Isaiah 61:3 (imprisoned for debt)
Spirit is troubled-- Lamentations 1:20; 2:11 (distress over destruction of Jerusalem)
Heat of my spirit-- Ezekiel 3:14 (confusion over vision of seeing God)
Spirit troubled-- Daniel 2:1-- (disturbing dream)
my spirit distressed-- Daniel 7:15-- (disturbing visions)


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