The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Notes on the Beatitudes in Matthew

Matthew 5:3-10

Summary: Blessed are the poor in the Spirit
Section 1: The poor of God
A. Those that mourn
B. Those who are meek
C. Those who hunger and thirst (greatly desire) justice
Section 2: The righteous of God
A. The merciful
B. The pure in heart
C. The peacemakers
Final Summary: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness

Strong parallels—Isa 61:1-4; Isa 65:13-66:5; Psalm 37

Blessed are the poor in the Spirit--
One of two summary statements of the Beattitudes
Poor, probably "anawim" in Hebrew, in which context it means "those who are poor, but depending on God for salvation";  "In the Spirit" rather than "in spirit."  a. Ta pneuma is used a number of times before Matt. 5--
Matt. 1:18-- Mary was found to be of child by (ek) the Holy Spirit
Matt. 1:20- The child who has been conceived in her is of (ek) the spirit, who is holy.
Matt 3:11-- He will baptize you with the Spirit (en pneumati) who is holy
Matt. 3:16-- He saw the Spirit of God (to pneuma tou theou) dedscending like a dove
Matt. 4:1-- He was led by the Spirit (hupo pneumatos)
Unclean spirits--(plural) 8:16; 10:1; 12:45
10:20-- The Spirit of the Father speaks through you (to pneuma)
12:18-- I will put my Spirit on him (quote of Isa.)
12:28-- By the Spirit of God I cast out demons (en pneumati)
12:31- Blasphamy against the Spirit (tou pneumatos)
12:32-Speaking against the Holy Spirit (kata tou pneumatos)
12:43- Unclean spirit
22:43- David speaks by the Spirit (en pneumati)
26:41-The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
27:50- Jesus yeilded up the spirit (to pneuma)
28:19-- Name of Father Son, Holy Spirit (tou agiou pneumatos)

Blessed are those who mourn

Mourning—different meanings

1. Sorrow over sin
(LXX-- Ezra 10:6
I Corinthians 5:2-- mourned over the sin of a brother
James 4:9-- Mourned over sin
II Cor 12:21

2. Sorrow over separation
(supported in LXX-- I Sam 16:1; II Sam 13:37; Hos 10:5)
Matthew 9:15/Luke 6:25
Mark 16:10
I Corinthians 5:2
Revelation 18:11, 15, 19

3. Sorrow over punishment of Yahweh (LXX)
Locust plague/day of the Lord-- Joel 1:9-10
Isaiah-- the earth mourns, comfort to those who are mourning over Jerusalem
Jeremiah-- mourning over the punishment Jerusalem will receive.

4. Sorrow over other sad events
The continuing state of Jerusalem in shambles-- Neh. 1:4
Holy place desecrated-- I Mac 2:14
Friends betrayal-- Psalm 34:14

5. Action of humility
Daniel 10:2; 10:12
James 4:9-10
II Corinthians 12:21

Even in cases where “mourning” does mean sorrow over sin, it is in a context of humility/humiliation.  There is clearly social lowliness in this context, and there is no reason to limit it for the sake of sin alone, even as neither the NT nor (especially) the LXX limits the meaning in this way. 

(Parakaleo-- entreat, implore, exort, urge)

Used often in Deutero-Isaiah-- 40:1-2, 11, 41:27; 49:10, 13;  51:3, 12, 18, 19; 54:11; 57:18; 61:2; 66:12-13-- Most frequently used as causing a stop to mourning for the suffering and/or punishment inflicted on them.  Comfort comes from God alone

Matt 2:18

Note especially the use of “mourn” and “comfort” in Isaiah 40—Israel is to be comforted because the time of her punishment for sin is over.  The focus is not so much on the repentance of the people, but the ending of punishment for sin.  This fits Jesus’ theme of kingdom come and his healing ministry.  Those who have been punished for sin and so were mourning for their suffering caused by that punishment will be “comforted”—no longer punished, no longer suffering for their sin.  This may be a better way of understanding Isa 66:1ff through the eyes of Jesus, rather than a “sabbatical year” context.  This would be a “day of the Lord” context, which better fits Jesus’ teaching and is not opposed to  the teaching of Deutero-Isaiah.

Blessed are the lowly for they shall inherit the earth

Praus-- Meek, humble,
Numbers 12:3-- Charataristic of Moses-- perhaps, not asserting one's own authority
Humble (anawim in Hebrew)
Ps 25:9; Ps 37:11; Ps 76:10; Ps 147:6; Ps 149:4; Job 36:15; Zeph 3:12; Zech 9:9; Isa 26:6
Used of Jesus-- Matthew 11:29; 21:5
I Peter 3:4-- Lowly, gentle?

The lowly are the anawim, those who depend on God for deliverance.  This is a direct quote of Psalm 37:11.  In the context of that psalm, it is those who are oppressed for not acting in evil, but doing what is right.  The result of their righteousness is that they will be raised up and granted salvation by God, while their enemies are cast down.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

peinaw-- hungry

Usually literal hunger, but also meaning "greatly desire"

I Samuel 2:5-- those who are hungry cease to hunger (by God's deliverance) hungry = lowly, humble (see also Luke 1:53)
Ps. 107:5-9, 36-- Yahweh satisfies those whose souls are hungry
Proverbs 28:15-- Hunger associated with poverty
Isa 40:29-31-- (LXX) God gives strength to the hungry (hunger used for "weary/faint" 3xs)
Isa 49:10-- The salvation of God will cause many to not hunger or thirst (see Rev. 7:16)
Isa 65:13-- God's servants will eat and drink, but the rebellious/disobedient will go hungry and thirsty

Hunger as a result of discipleship/sharing the gospel

Matthew 25; I cor 4:11; Phil 4:12;

It could be literal hunger and thirst, such as Matthew 25:35, 37, 42, 44-- disciples who suffer poverty and hardship for the sake of the gospel.  In Matthew "hungry" is used literally all the other cases. Matt 4:2, 12:1,3; 21:18 and Matt 25.  However, in this case it is attached to "for righteousness", which might imply the gospel.  Could it associate the actual hunger one feels in the work with the great desire to share the gospel (cf John 4; 6:35)  Could it mean “for the sake of righteousness”, such as 5:10, below? 

Lack of literal hunger and thirst as a blessing of the coming day-- Rev 7:16

Verses that use both hunger and thirst
II Sam 17:29; Psalm 107; Isa 49:10; Isa 65:13; Rev. 7:16; John 6:35; Matthew 25; Romans 12:20; Proverbs 25:21; I Cor 4:11;

xortadzo-- satisfied
In the context of God's salvation/provision
(LXX) Psa 17:14-15; Psa 37:19; Ps 81:16; Ps 104:13, 16; 107:9; Ps 132:15; Jer 5:7; Luke 6:21;
Used to indicate having eaten enough food/drunk enough
Matt 14:20; 15:33, 37; Ps 59:15; Ps 104:13, 16; Ps 107:9;
Hunger/thirst/satisfaction-- Psalm 107:9
Hunger/satisfaction and discipleship-- Phil 4:12

Blessed are you who are merciful for you shall receive mercy

Eleemon—merciful  Eleeo—have mercy

merciful to the poor/needy
Ex 22:26; II Chron 30:9; Prov 14:21; 19:17; 22:9; Job 24:27; Hos 14:4;

Basic charataristic of God
Ex 22:26; 33:19; 34:6; II Chron 30:9; Neh 9:17; II MAc 1:24; II MAc 8:29; 11:9; 13:12; III Mac 5:7; Ps 85:15; 103:8; 111:4; 116:5; 144:8; Sir 2:11; 48:20; 50:19; Joel 2:13; Jon 4:2; Jer 3:12;

Don't show mercy to a poor man in judgment-- Exodus 23:3
Not showing mercy in war, but killing-- Deut 7:2; DEut 28:50; II Chron 36:17; Jer 6:23
No medrcy on evildoers-- Isa 9:16; Isa 59:2; Eze 5:11; 7:4, 9;8:18; 9:5,10;24:14  Hosea 1;

Receiving the salvation of God-- Gen 33:5; Num 6:25; Deut 13:18; Deut 30:3; II Sam 12:22; II Kings 13:23;Ps 6:2; 25:16; 26:11; 27:7; 30:10; 31:9; 41:5, 11; 56:1; 57:1; 86:3, 16;  Ps 123:3; Job 19:21; Hos 1:6-7; 2:25; Zech 1:12, 17; Isa 54:7-8; Jer 12:15; 37:18; 38:20; Eze 39:25; Mark 5:19; Romans 9:15, 18; Rom 11:30-32; I Pet 2:10; I Tim 1:16

Seeking healing, restoration-- Matt 9:27; 15:22; 17:15; 20:30-31;

Forgiveness:  Psalm 41:4; 51:1; Wis 11:23; Isa 55:7; Matt 18:33;

Definition-- not giving the judgment that was deserved, but providing what was not necessary to give.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God

Clean in heart

"Katharos"-- clean, pure for ritual purposes; without blemish or mixing; without anything that would cause them to be outwardly defiled temporarily

Clean in Job-- used to indicate moral purity (used 18 times)

Clean in heart-- Gen 20:5,6
Psalm 24:4-- Pure hands and heart may go before God
Ps 51:10-- Create a clean heart
Prov 20:9-- clean heart = pure from sin, which no one can say.
I Timothy 1:5; II tim 2:22
I Tim 3:9; II Tim 1:3-- clean conscience
Heb 10:22-- washed with clean water and so our hearts are true

Clean-- outside and inside-- Matthew 23:26
All things are clean if the inside is given to the poor-- Luke 11:41

God is clean, pure-- Isa 65:5 (LXX); Hab 1:13;

New heart; pure from washing with water-- Eze 36:24, 25

Clean by word, washing by Jesus-- John 13:10-11; 15:3

All things are clean, but unclean for those who eat and cause another to stumble-- Rom 14:20; Titus 1:15

Seeing God
Ps 40:3-- Salvation of God
Isa 52:10-- see the salvation of God
Heb 11:27-- Moses was seeing him who is unseen
Heb 12:14-- pursue peace so you can see the Lord
I John 3:2-- We shall see him as he is
Rev. 22:4-- they will see his face

Not seeing God
Ex 33-34-  Moses seeing part of God, but not his face

I John 4:20-- We have not seen God

The blessings
The blessed of God will receive all of God’s good in the last day.  They will rule God’s kingdom, and all of the present sorrows of this age will be wiped away.  They will be declared right before God in the face of their enemies.  They will be forgiven of their sins and will be before God as his people.
Theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (vv. 3, 10)
They will be comforted. (v. 4)
They will inherit the earth. (v. 5)
They will be filled. (v. 6)
They will receive mercy. (v. 7)
They will see God. (v. 8)
They will be called sons of God (v. 9)

The poor

Those who receive these blessings of God are oppressed by those who are opposed to God.  They are poor, persecuted, in sorrow and desire for justice to be done for them.
The poor (v. 3)
Those who mourn (v. 4)
The meek (v. 5)
Those who hunger and thirst for justice. (v. 6)
Those who are persecuted (v. 10)

The righteous

Those who receive the blessings of God are not only oppressed, but they are also righteous.  Guided by the Spirit of God, they are always merciful, pure and making peace with all they can.  When they are oppressed, it is not because they have done evil, but because they have done good.
In the Spirit (v. 3)
The merciful (v. 7)
The pure in heart (v. 8)
The peacemakers (v. 9)
Those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake (v. 10)

A.   Summary (verse 3)
B.    The blessings of the poor (verse 4-6)
C.   The blessings of the righteous (verses 7-9)

D.   Final summary (verse 10)


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