The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

David in the Wilderness: A Case History of Suffering for Righteousness

I Samuel 18-30  (Up to ch 22)

1. Anatomy of a persecutor-- Saul (Ch 18-
Originally a follower of God
Another is stealing his position with God, clearly having God's approval
The same is stealing his position of the people who serve God.
The persecutor is afraid of the righteous and so they do acts of hatred.
The persecutor will give all the outward signs of being a godly person-- on the side of the righteous, but inside will be full of anger and fear.
The persecutor will do acts of anger and violence and then try to cover it up.
All the good the persecutor tries to do for the righteous is only meant for their downfall.
Those around the persecutor wish to think the best of them-- that they do not actually hate.  They will try to reason them out of their persecution, but fear cannot be reasoned with.
The spirit of God overwhelms the persecutor in order to protect God's people.
The persecutor will hate and persecute those who speak words of support of the righteous.
The persecutor will speak and do evil against even their closest supporters if they show their
The persecutor shows signs of insanity and stupidity-- hatred and demonization blinds their senses.

2. Humility of the righteous
The righteous one sees himself as he is-- poor and lowly of little reputation.
The righteous doesn't seek to uplift himself (Ch. 18)
The righteous seeks to build his reputation through deeds, not words or assumptions.
The righteous flees the persecutor, not attacking him back.
The righteous take safeguards in order to make sure of the hatred of the persecutor-- it is not assumed.

3. Actions of the persecuted
The persecuted will seek the help of the godly in times of crisis. (Ch.21)
In fear, the persecuted might deceive, in order to flee and gain food (Ch 21)
The persecuted might take refuge from unbelievers for a limited time

4. Men of God helping the righteous
Some rules will have to be bent or broken for the sake of mercy to the righteous.

Eventually his hate of the righteous will develop to such a degree that all semblance of righteousness is rejected (Ch 22)
He will forget his hated of the righteous when he sees their righteousness, but will pursue him later (Ch 24, 26)
They expect the righteous to do righteousness to them, even though they do evil to them (Ch 24)

Humilityof persecuted
Bows before his enemy who is his authority (Ch 24)
Refuses to even touch the authority designated by God (Ch 24, 26)

Actions of persecuted
Assists those who are also persecuted, as much as possible (Ch 22)
Continues to help the people of God in his gifting (Ch 23)
He does not take precautions against betrayal except fleeing (Ch 23)
He does not take vengeance on his enemy, even when the opportunity is presented him (Ch 24, 26)
He is convicted even by the smallest offense against his enemy (Ch 24)
Calls upon God to judge between the persecutor and the persecuted (Ch 24)
To take vengeance against one who offended him is opposed to God (Ch 25)

Helping persecuted
There is an obligation to help the righteous persecuted (Ch 24)
To fail to offer hospitality to the righteous persecuted is to deserve death from God. (Ch 25)

God's actions
God will allow circumstances to happen to help the persecuted avoid destruction (Ch 23)
Kept his servant from evil (Ch 25)
Enacted vengeance against those who harmed the helpless (Ch 25, 26)

Action of Abigail (Ch 25)
An act of ransom-- She took the place of Nabal, who deserved death, and allowed herself to take the blame.  She begged forgiveness for his idiocy, and also pointed out the sin that the veangence would be.


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