The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ministry and Support in the teachings of the apostles

1.      Jesus’ pattern of ministry at Capernum
(Mark 1:14-4: )
            Called Simon, Andrew, James and John at Sea (Lake in Luke)
            Taught and exorcised in synagogue on Sabbath
            Healed at Simon’s home—mother in law
            Received hospitality at Simon’s home
            Ministered to other’s at Simon’s home
            Went away from people to pray (unusual!)
            Traveled to other villages (in Galilee-Mk- or Judea-Lk?)
            Returned to Simon’s home (now called “his house”)
            Taught and healed in that house
            Called Levi at the lake
            Ate at Levi’s house with outcasts
            Healed again in “the” synagogue (the one at Capernum)
            Spent at least 3 sabbaths there, probably more
            Possibly teaching in a different house in 3:20, not descriptive
            Because of crowds, he taught outside.

Summaries: Pattern: Disciple- Synagogue-Disciple’s home-overcrowding-outside ministry
The teaching leads to persecution, causing others to doubt the healings and exorcisms.

2.      Village tour
Mark 1:38-45

Traveled with small group of disciples, proclaiming the kingdom
Did not remain in any village, but traveled from place to place
Healed and cast out demons
The popularity of the ministry required that he not travel to villages anymore, but remain in the outlying areas.

3.      Three-fold ministry
a.       Teaching of the kingdom of God (a “new” teaching—one that people had not heard before
b.      Exorcising demons with authority
c.       Healing the sick by God’s power
Jesus’ pattern: Matt. 4:23; Mark 1:39—teaching and exorcising; Mark 1:32-34; Matt. 8:16-17; Mk. 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37;
Jesus telling the disciples to follow this pattern: Matthew 10:7-8 (specifying healing lepers, raise the dead); Luke 9:1-2 (Gave power to exorcise demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom and to heal); Luke 10:1-18 (sent them to proclaim the kingdom and they had authority over demons)
Apostles following this pattern: Phillip Acts 8:4-8, 11-13

4.      Two-fold ministry
  1. Teaching of the apostles
  2. Signs and wonders
Apostles following this pattern: Acts 2:42-43; 4:33; 5:12ff; 5:42; 6:8ff.; 8:4-8; 14:1-7

5.      Jesus’ teaching about those being sent out  (Mark 3:12 ff; Mark 6:7ff; Matthew 10; Luke 9; Luke 10)
  1. Authority from Jesus to cast out demons and heal the sick
  2. Called a specific number from his followers to do this—not all of them (12, then 70)
  3. Sent out two by two
  4. Told specifically to go to the house of Israel, not Gentiles or Samaritans. (later expanded to the Gentiles/world—Matt. 28; Acts 1)
  5. Told to proclaim the good news of the kingdom
Luke 10—70 told to say the kingdom is near to you, just before Jesus comes
Mark 6—Disciples proclaimed repentance
  1. Told to heal
Mark 6—Disciples anointed oil on those needing healing
  1. Told to cast out demons
  2. They were not to require payment for the teaching or healings
  3. What they were not to bring:
Matthew: Gold, silver, copper, bag, two tunics, sandals or a staff.
Luke: “Take nothing” staff, bag, bread, money, extra tunic.
Luke 10: Purse, bag, sandals;
Mark 6: Take nothing except a staff, no bread, bag money, bring sandals, one tunic
  1. Greet no one on the road (Luke 10; See I Kings 13)
  2. They were to receive what hospitality was offered to them, for “the laborer is worthy of his hire”
  3. Find a worthy man, stay at his house
  4. Do not go from house to house in the village, but stay in one place.
  5. Say “peace” in the house, if the house is worthy, let the peace remain if it is not, let it return to you.
  6. For those not “welcoming”, shake the dust off feet and leave
  7. The town not welcoming will be judged (See Gen. 18-19)
  8. Persecution and rejection will naturally come from this ministry
  9. I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves
  10. When you are persecuted in one town, go to the next
  11. When you are handed over to the courts, don’t worry, but allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you.
  12. What Jesus speaks covertly, proclaim publically
  13. Love Jesus more than family relations, etc.
  14. Those who welcome disciples will receive their reward.
  15. Don’t rejoice that you have power over Satan, but that your names are written in heaven.
  16. These disciples who go out are called “children” or “little ones”
  17. Disciples returned to Jesus and reported back to him

6.      Travel to Geresenes (Mark 5:1ff)
In land of Decopolis
Cast out demons
Asked to leave
Man cured asked to follow Jesus, Jesus told him to proclaim God’s work in him in that place
Jesus left

7.      Not worrying about provision Mark 8:14ff; Matthew 6; Luke 12
If the multitudes were fed by a few loaves, why worry about whether bread is forgotten or not?

Don’t worry about provision or clothes—God cares for all of creation, and he will certainly care for his children.  Focus on God’s kingdom and righteousness and all the rest will be provided.


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