The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ancient Religion based on Pagan Myths

1.       The cosmos and earth related to the beings of the spirit world
The earth and cosmos were not only physical beings, but there were also personalities behind them, called spirits, the most powerful of which are called gods.   Yom or Yamm or Poseidon are the various names of the god of the sea, who ruled the oceans, lakes and rivers, and who, in some ways were the oceans, lakes and rivers.  Baal or Marduk or Zeus is a storm god, who is also the most powerful warrior god.  Astarte or Ishtar or Aphrodite are fertility and sex goddesses, also associated with spring.  Mot or Hades is the god of death, also ruler of the realm of death where souls go after they die.   The powerful gods of the spirit realm are, in the Cannanite religion, called Elohim, the plural of El, the Creator god (also known as Ea in Babylon). 

2.       Gods vie for positions of authority over other gods
Although the creator/father god is initially the dominating power of the cosmos, the children of that god struggle for ultimate power over the cosmos, with the creator god being too weak to stop them.  In some cases a warrior god battles with the creator god, but more often than not the creator god just stands back to see which god will prevail.   In many ancient cultures, the warrior god prevails, with his strongest opponent being the sea god.

3.       Events on earth correlate with events in the cosmos/spirit world
A flood or a volcano erupting, is the claim of one god over another.  Famine is judgment from the heavens.  People’s lives are directed by the god’s star under which they are born.  Every battle is a determination of which god is superior over another.

4.       Rituals by humans determine the actions of gods
Gods only eat if humans provide sacrifices to them.  Sacrifices can appease judgment.   Priestly sexual activity relates to the god’s provision of fertility and fruitfulness in pregnancies and harvests.

5.       Moral activity/justice determine the actions of gods

6.       The god one believes in is related to one’s view of the world and relationship to other people

7.       A creation myth is primarily the way one communicates the greatness of one god over others


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