The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Slavery to a King in the bible

Slavery to a king

Slave, servant
Hebrew-- 'ebed; 'abudda
        Literally, "One who works"
Slave is one who is committed to work for another

Abraham had slaves
   These slaves would follow Abraham around
   They are fully part of his household
   Whatever inheritance he would receive, they would share in-- whatever danger or cursing he received, they would share in.
    His slaves could be a minor army, if necessesary

Abraham called himself a slave
    He called strangers "lords"
   He placed himself at their service
To work for another is to show the one honor, but the other is shown to be humbled.

Gen 18:1-5-- Slave used as a term of humility in order to honor the other? Common terms for offering hospitality? Gen 19:2

Abimelech has slaves, tells them essential information as if they were counsellors, gives some to Abraham, Abimelech's slaves act outside of Abimelech's knowledge (Gen 20:8, 14; 21:25ff)

Gen 24-- Abraham's slave acts as representative of Abraham and enacts a legal action in his stead.  He fully respects his master and speaks well of him and relys on his god.  The son of the master is the master as well.

Gen 25:23-- Peoples being enslaved to another.

Gen 26:24-- Abraham is slave of God
Gen 27:29-- basic of messianic promise-- all nations will be slaves to you and work for you
Gen 27:37-- Relatives are slaves to relatives
Gen 29:15-- You are my relative, so you will not do slave-service for nothing
Gen 32:4, 20; 33 (all)--Jacob is servant, Esau is lord
Joseph sold into slavery
Cupbearer and cheif baker are slaves to Pharaoh
slaves of Pharaoh act as counsellors-- Gen 41:37-38; Gen 45:16
Brothers call themselves slaves-- Gen 42:10ff ; Gen 43:28; Gen 44:7ff ; Gen 50:18 (display of humility)
Gen 46:34; Gen 47:3f-- Joseph instructs his brothers to call themselves slaves of pharaoh
Gen 47:19ff-- The people make themselves slaves (work-debtors) of Pharaoh in order to eat
Physicians are slaves of Joseph-- Gen 50:2
Gen 50:17-- Slaves of God- brothers


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