The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Condemnation in Matthew

Jesus' basic message was that of repentance-- Matt. 4:17
The people of God who do not act like the people of God are only good to be cast out of the people of God-- Matthew 5:13
Those who insult will be thrown into hell-- Matthew 5:22
Those who do not reconcile with their brother will be thrown into prison (hell)-- Matthew 5:25
Those who do not separate from their body parts that cause them to sin will be thrown into hell--Matthew 5:29-30
The one who judges will be judged by God-- Matthew 7:1
However we judge, we will be judged by God-- Matthew 7:2
We must first repent ourselves, then we can assist others to repent-- Matthew 7:5
Those who judge others without correcting themselves is a hypocrite-- Matthew 7:3-5
Most people will be destroyed, only a few people will obtain life-- Matthew 7:13-14
False teachers are those who do evil in their lives, no matter what they teach-- Matthew 7:15-20
Jesus will eternally separate himself from those who ministered for Him, but did not do what He said-- Matthew 7:21-23
Those who hear Jesus' words but does not act on them are those facing destruction-- Matthew 7:24-27
Those who expect to receive God's blessing-- "the sons of the kingdom" will be thrown out of the kingdom into the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth-- Matthew 8:11-12
Jesus calls a disciple's family, "dead"-- Matthew 8:22
Jesus casts evil spirits away, and they claimed that he was torturing them-- Matthew 8:28-32
Jesus offers forgiveness of sins to a crippled man and then heals him to display that forgiveness-- Matthew 9:1-8
Jesus eats with sinners to heal them and to welcome them into God's kingdom--Matthew 9:10-12
"Compassion" means giving people a second chance-- Matthew 9:13
"Compassion" means to heal the blind-- Matthew 9:27-29
Jewish households or towns are condemned as unworthy if they refuse to listen to or offer hospitality to apostles. These towns will have a worse judgment than Sodom-- Matthew 10:13-15
Those who deny Jesus will be rejected by him before the Father-- Matthew 10:33
Jesus came to create opportunities for the righteous to be persecuted-- Matthew 10:34-36
A person must reject their social obligations to their family if they conflict with Jesus' demands (which they will)-- Matthew 10:37; Luke 14:23
The OT judgment will be nothing compared to the judgment on Jewish towns who saw the miracles of Jesus but still rejected Jesus-- Matthew 11:20-24
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (seeing the work of God and claiming it is evil) will not be forgiven.-- Matthew 12:32
One is made righteous or judged according to their thoughtless speech-- Matthew 12:36-37
Those who hear Jesus' words and reject it will be condemned by those who paid attention to God's words in the past-- Matthew 12:41-42
Jesus' family is not his physical one, but those who do God's will-- Matthew 12:46-50
Jesus spoke in parables as a judgment to the unbelieving, so that they would hear but not understand God's word-- Matthew 13:13-15
Only those who hear Jesus' word, receive it and endure in it through temptations and persecutions will obtain God's blessing-- Matthew 13:18-23
All of those who cause people to fall from faith in God, those who are lawless will be thrown into hell-- Matthew 13:41-42
A person is defiled by words and actions of evil, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, thefts, false witness, and slander-- Matthew 15:18-19
Jesus calls a Caananite woman a dog, and then heals her daughter-- Matthew 15:25-28
Those who cause people to fall from faith will be horribly punished; we need to separate ourselves from anyone or anything that causes us to fall from faith-- Matthew 18:6-9
God will seek out those who fall from faith-- Matthew 18:12-14
Confront a brother privately if he is sinning, forgive him if he repents-- Matthew 18:15; Luke 17:3-4
Prove a brother is sinning by two or three witnesses if he denies it-- Matthew 18:16
Separate the brother from the community of God if they refuse to repent of their sin-- Matthew 18:17
We are to forgive anyone who repents of their sin, no matter how many times they sin and repent--Matthew 18:21-22
Those who do not forgive their brothers when they repent will be condemned by God-- Matthew 18:23-35
Divorce is equal to adultery-- Matthew 19:9
It is very difficult for a wealthy person to enter into God's kingdom, because of how difficult it is to be rid of one's possessions-- Matthew 19:21-24
Jesus condemned the temple practice because moneychangers were in the worship area of the women and gentiles-- Matthew 20:12-13
The leaders of God's people who persecute God's prophets and Son will be destroyed by God-- Matthew 20:33-41
God will take the kingdom of God away from those unworthy to lead it and give it to those worthy, who do His will-- Matthew 20:42-43
Those originally invited to God's kingdom will be rejected as well as anyone not doing God's will-- Matthew 22:1-14
Hypocrites, those who do not do God's will but claim to be teaching God's will, who seek pride instead of humility, who offer excuses to those seeking to disobey God, who emphasize obedience in the lesser things of God (tithing) but neglect the greater things of God (justice, mercy, faithfulness); who focus on outward appearances instead of the heart; who persecute God's prophets-- these leaders will go to hell-- Matthew 23
The leader of Jesus people who use his position for personal excess will be given a place with the hypocrites where there will be weeping-- Matthew 24:48-51
The servant of Jesus who does not work with what Jesus gave them will be thrown out of God's kingdom-- Matthew 25:14-30
Those who refuse to offer hospitality and meet the needs of Jesus' disciples are sent to hell eternally-- Matthew 25:31-46
Jesus does not condemn either Peter or Judas, but allows them to determine their own fate according to their repentance-- Matthew 26


A. The final judgment on the last day is the only physical punishment. This final judgment is based on one’s careless speech and actions.
B. Those who go to hell are those who claim to follow God, but are hypocrites, rejecters of God’s word, those who refuse to help disciples in need and those who cause others to fall away from God in deed or belief.
C. The church will only be pure after judgment, but those who commit blatant sins without repenting are to be treated as an outsider to the church.
D. Repentance/confession is the only requirement for forgiveness or acceptance in the church.
E. Those who sin and are separated are to be welcomed back and given another opportunity to repent.
F. Leaders of God’ people may not be hypocrites, persecutors, doers of evil, people who excuse other’s evil
G. The basis of condemnation is: hating, sexual immorality, unfaithfulness to one’s promise or marriage, slander, not giving to those in need, not forgiving those who repent, judging without repenting of one’s own sin, claiming God’s miracles are evil,