The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Catalog of Sufferings in Luke/Acts

Catalog of Sufferings in Luke/Acts
"Taking up your cross daily"

1:71—We have enemies and those who hate us.
Response—God delivers us
2:34-35-- This child is a sign to be opposed and a sword shall pierce your own soul
4:1-13-- Testing in the wilderness during a fast.
Response-- Answered by God's word alone.
4:28-30-- In rage, the hometown synagogue attempts to throw Jesus over a cliff (before stoning?)
Response—Jesus passes through the crowd without harm
5:16-- Having to run away to pray
Response—Jesus does what he can to pray
5:21-- Accused of speaking blasphemies
5:30-- Grumbling at him
6:1-2-- Opposition because the disciples do not follow the traditions
Response-- Examples from God's word
6:6-10-- Looking closely in order to judge Jesus for healing on the Sabbath
Response-- Statement on principle of benevolance; healing a man-- the very act which they wish to judge him for
6:11-- Anger at Jesus, discussions to his detriment;
6:12-- Whole night in prayer
6:18-- The sick and the demon possessed
Response-- Jesus healed them
6:20-- The poor
Response--Receiving from God his kingdom
6:21-- The hungry
Response-- God will satisfy you
6:21-- The mourning
Response-- God will cause you not to weep
6:22-- Those who are persecuted-- hated, ostracized, insulted, scorned as evil for the sake of Jesus
Response-- Rejoice; God will give you reward
6:35 (implicit in earlier verses) Not receiving what is your due, not receiving justice
Response-- God will give you a great reward
6:37-- Not doing judging
Response-- you will not be judged
6:39-- A false teacher leads others into hell-- because he makes them like him
Response-- Follow Jesus, do what he says
7:2ff-- Centurions slave is fatally ill
Response-- Jesus heals
7:11ff-- Widow has lost her son
Response-- Jesus heals son
7:19-- Questioned by John
Response-- Reassures John with showing the fulfillment of Scripture
7:33-- John is accused of having a demon
7:34-- Jesus accused of being a glutton and a friend of sinners
7:45-46-- Jesus did not receive the respect that was his due
Response-- he receives it from a sinner
7:37-38-- Woman shames herself in public because of her sin
Response-- She is forgiven
7:49-50-- Jesus' ability to forgive sins questioned
Response-- Jesus continues to forgive sins
8:13-- Those who hear the gospel and suffer testing from it, they fall away
8:23-24-- Danger because of a storm
Response-- Fear; Jesus rebukes the fear and the storm
8:28ff-- Demon-possessed man
Response-- Jesus rebukes demons and commands them to go to herd of pigs.
8:37-- Jesus asked to leave because he healed demoniac
Response-- Jesus left
8:41ff-- Jairus' daughter sick and dead
Response-- Jesus heals
8:43ff-- Woman is bleeding for 12 years
Response-- She reaches out for healing and is healed
9:3ff-- Missionaries dependant on God to provide needs
Response-- Community that believes will provide
9:9-- John beheaded by Herod
9:10ff-- A rest with the disciples turns into teaching and healing and feeding
Response-- Do the ministry
9:22-- Jesus will suffer and be rejected by the authorities, killed
9:23-25--All who follow Jesus must suffer for him; they will lose their life, they will do things that might shame them
Response-- they will gain life for eternity
9:44- Jesus will be given over to the hands of men
9:48-- Not seeking out the greater position, but being least
Response-- That one will be great
9:51-- Jesus determined to go to Jerusalem in order to suffer
9:56-- Jesus didn’t come to punish but to deliver from punishment
9:57-58-- Jesus does not have a place to rest
9:59-60-- Commitment to Jesus requires the loss of social obligation
9:61-62-- Commitment to Jesus requires no looking back
10:3ff-- Emphasis on the opposition to the activity to prepare towns for Jesus
10:4-- Carry nothing in preparation for mission work
10:10--Cities rejecting the gospel; not listening to apostles
Response: wipe dust of feet off in protest
10:17-- Disciples seeing demonized
Response-- commanding demons to go
10:29ff-- Loss of resouces for loving another
11:4-- Pray to not lead into testing, pray for daily bread
11:39ff-- Jesus insults and rebukes Pharisees and Scribes (causing suffering?)
11:53-54-- Scribes and Pharisees questioned Jesus, trying to catch him in what he says.
Response-- Jesus warns against the Pharisees
12:4ff-- Some will try to kill you
Response-- Don't be afraid of those who can only kill the body; confess Jesus
12:11-12-- You will be brought before religious authorities
Response-- Don't worry about what to say
12:21ff—Don’t store up treasure for yourself
Response-- Don't worry about your food, clothing
12:33-- Jesus demands us to Sell possessions
Response-- Give to poor, receive kingdom
12:49-53-- Jesus casts a fire on earth, which causes suffering and division
12:50-- Jesus has suffering to undergo himself
13:1-5-- Blood is mixed with sacrifices; tower fell on some; perishing for all who do not repent
Response: Repent and you will not perish
13:11ff-- Woman who had a sickness caused by a spirit for 18 years
Response-- Jesus heals
13:14-- Synagogue official opposes Jesus' healing
Response-- Jesus rebukes hypocrites who offer aid to their animals, but not a child of Abraham
13:33-34-- Prophets and apostles killed and stoned by those in Jerusalem
Response-- Jerusalem will be judged until they turn to the Messiah
14:1ff-- Man with dropsy
Response-- Jesus healed him
14:8ff-- Humiliation at being forced to take the last place
Response-- Take the humble place and you will be exalted.
14:13-- the poor, lame, crippled
Response-- invite them to your feasts
14:21ff-- poor, lame, crippled, strangers
Response--invite them to the kingdom
14:26ff-- Anyone who follows Jesus must hate their father, mother, wife children, brothers and sisters and their own life; they must carry their own cross; they must give up all their own possessions
Response-- consider the cost before you decide to follow Jesus
15:1ff-- Lost sheep, lost coin
Response-- one will find them and God will rejoice when they are found
15:14ff-- Prodigal son is starving and impoverished
Response--Son repents, father accepts him back home
15:28-- Son rejects father and prodigal son
Response--If he repents and rejoices, he will join the father
16:1ff-- Manager is about to lose his job
Response-- he gets rid of money in order to have security
16:16-- ?
16:19ff-- Lazarus, the poor man, was suffering while the rich man did nothing about it
Response-- Angels took the poor man to Abraham's bosom, while the rich man was punished in flames
16:23ff-- Rich man in torment in Hades; his brothers are on earth, heading to Hades
Response-- It is just for him to suffer because on earth he had comfort and didn’t help Lazarus; his brothers should read the law and the prophets
17:1-2-- Future suffering if you cause a little one to stumble
17:12ff-- ten leprous men
Response-- Jesus heals, one returns in gratitude and he is saved by his faith
17:25-- The son of man must suffer and be rejected by his generation
Response-- Judgment will destroy all rejecters
17:30ff-- On the day the Son of Man is revealed, run and take nothing with you-- like with Sodom
17:32-- Whoever seeks the things of their life will lose them; whoever loses the things of his life will save his life
18:7-8-- those who are seeking justice
Response-- cry continually to God and God will respond quickly
18:22ff-- Wealthy man told to sell possessions and give to the poor
Response-- became sad
18:28-- Disciples left homes; others left family for the sake of the kingdom
Response-- they will have many times as much in this kingdom and in the one to come, eternal life
18:31ff-- Jesus will be handed to Gentiles, mocked, mistreated, spit upon, scourged, killed
Response-- God will raise him up
18:35ff-- Blind man, begging for mercy
Response-- Jesus heals him
19:2ff-- Jesus condemned because he goes to the house of a sinner, Zacchaeus
Response-- Zacchaeus says that he gives to the poor, Jesus accepts him
19:12ff-- Citizens hated nobleman
Response-- when he returns, he has them killed
19:41ff-- Jerusalem will suffer many things
Response-- Jesus weeps
20:1ff-- confronted by religious leaders about his authority
Response-- Jesus refuses to answer unless they state clearly of their spiritual condition. Then he openly speaks of their rejection by God.
20:19-- Tried to take him away
20:20ff-- Spies are sent to trip Jesus up in his words
Response-- Jesus answers with wisdom, exposing their deceit; they are unable to catch him in contradition
20:27ff-- Saducees give him a trick question
Response-- Jesus exposes the weakness in the question and gets to the heart of the issue
21:12-19-- In the last days of the temple, many will persecute the disciples-- arresting them, bringing them before rulers; they will be betrayed by family members and some will be put to death and they will be hated by all because of Jesus.
Response: Dont prepare what you say ahead of time, for it will be given you; Endure in Christ, God will protect you
21:20ff-- Devestation of Jerusalem, woes to pregnant and mothers
21:34ff-- Suffering on those in the worries of this life when the end comes
Response-- Be on guard for the day; pray for strength
22:3ff-- Judas betrays Jesus to the chief priests and officers; he looks for an opportunity to hand Jesus over
Response (21ff)-- Jesus announces that he will be betrayed but does not reveal who it is.
22:19-- Jesus will sacrifice his body and blood
Response-- he does it for the disciples; they are to do this act in memorial
22:28-- The disciples stood by Jesus through his trials
Response-- The Father will grant the disciples places in the kingdom
22:31-- Satan has asked to sift Peter
Response-- Jesus prayed that Peter's faith wouldn't fail; once he returned, he is to strengthen his brothers
22:33-- Peter is ready to go to prison and death for Jesus
Response: Jesus says that Peter will deny him.
22:39ff-- The time of testing is coming
Response: Jesus prays and tells his disciples to pray.
22:42ff-- Jesus prays that the suffering is taken from him,
Response-- he is refused, but strengthened. He steels himself up.
22:47-- Jesus is betrayed and arrested
Response-- Jesus tells the diciples not to use the sword; Jesus asks the arresters why they did not come to the temple.
22:56ff-- Peter is repeatedly accused of being with Jesus
Response-- Peter denies he knows Jesus
22:63-- Jesus is mocked and beaten, blazshemed against
22:66-- Jesus is put on trial
Response: he speaks only the simple truth
23:1-- Jesus is brought before a gentile ruler and accused falsely
23:5, 10-- Accused
23:8-11-- Herod questions him then treats him with contempt and mocks him
Response-- Jesus is silent
23:13ff-- Pilate finds him innocent, so he punishes him and says he will release him
23:18-- The people want a murderer released, not Jesus
23:20ff-- Pilate wants to release Jesus, but the crowd insists that Jesus be crucified
23:24-25-- Pilate agrees to the crowds demands
23:26-- Simon of Cyrene is picked to carry Jesus' cross.
23:27ff-- They are led to be crucified and women follow them, weeping
Response: Jesus tells the women to weep for themselves, for the days will be evil to come.
23:33-- Jesus is crucified with criminals
Response-- Jesus asks that they would be forgiven
23:35-37-- Jesus is mocked by rulers and the soldiers and one of the criminals
Response-- the other criminal rebukes the mocking one, claiming that Jesus did nothing wrong. Jesus says that the criminal will be with Jesus in paradise.
23-- Jesus suffering and being crucified
REsponse-- God causes darkness to come upon the land and the temple veil is torn in two; a soldier states that Jesus is innocent and the crowd is grieving
24:7-- Jesus said he would be delivered into the hands of sinful men, crucified and God would raise him.
24:26-- It was necessary for the Christ to suffer
24:46-- It is written that the Christ would suffer and rise again on the third day


1:18-- Judas fell in the land he bought and died
Response-- Let Judas' place be desolate; let another take his place
2:13-- The disciples are mocked and called drunk
Response-- Peter defends them
2:23-24-- Jesus is nailed to a cross by godless men and put to death
Response-- God ends his agony of death
3:2ff-- A man lame from birth
Response-- Peter and John heal him in Jesus' name
4:1ff-- Peter and JOhn are arrested and placed in jail overnight for their speech
4:5ff-- Peter and John put on trial and asked-- by what authority do you do this?
Response: Peter and John proclaim Jesus
4:17ff-- Rulers threaten Peter and John and tell them not to speak of Jesus
Response-- they refuse
4:23ff-- They are put on trial by the religious leaders
Response-- They pray for boldness and continuing healing. God grants them the Spirit
4:34-- All the owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the money to the apostles where it would be given to the poor
5:1ff-- Ananias and Saphira killed by God for withholding money in land they had sold
5:13-- People refused to associate with the apostles, but still held them in esteem
5:17ff-- the high priest were jealous of the apostles and had them thrown in jail
Response: An angel released them from jail and told them to speak about Life
5:26-- The apostles are brought back to jail and questioned by the High Priest
Response-- Peter accuses them of killing Jesus, who was innocent and says that Jesus will forgive the sins of Israel
5:33-- It is the intention of the high priest to kill them
Response-- Gamaliel urges patience
5:40-- The apostles are flogged and told not to speak about Jesus
Response-- The apostles rejoice that they had suffered and they preached Jesus.
6:11ff-- Stephen accused of blasphemy-- false witnesses and he was taken to the council and questioned
Response--Stephen defends himself saying that the Temple is man-made and this generation is deserving to be destroyed
7:52-- The elders of Israel have persecuted all the prophets of God throughout Israel's history. Killed all of them and now betrayed and murdered the Righteous One
Response-- They gnashed their teeth
7:57-60-- After Stephen's spech, those at the temple covered their ears, rushed at him, drove him out of the city and stoned him.
Response-- Stephen asks God for their forgiveness
8:1ff-- Great persecution against the church; they are scattered; they are arrested in their houses and put in prison.
Response-- the church shares the gospel outside of Jerusalem
9:1ff-- Saul threatens and speaks murder against the disciples, and he is allowed to bring any disciples found in Damascus bound to Jerusalem
Response-- Jesus shows himself in a vision to Saul; He says, "Why are you persecuting me?"
9:11ff-- Ananias is told to go to the house of the persecutor to heal him
Response-- Ananias goes
9:29-- Helenistic Jews attempt to kill Saul for speaking of Jesus
Response-- the disciples sent him away to Tarsus
9:33ff-- Aeneas is bedridden for eight years
Response-- Peter heals him
9:36ff-- Tabitha dies
Response-- She is risen from the dead
11:27ff-- Famine around the world
Response-- Any disciple that had means, each of them determined to send a contribution to the relief of the church in Judea
12:1-- Herod arrested some of the church and had James killed and had Peter arrested
Response-- Prayer by those in the church, angel released Peter and the Peter went to another place.
12:18ff-- Herod searched for peter and killed the guards who had allowed him to escape
Response-- Herod killed in Tyre
13:8ff-- Elymas opposes Paul and Baranbas, attempting to keep an authority from the faith
Response--Paul declares the magician blind
13:45-47-- Jews saw the crowds around P and B and they contradicted their speech and were blaspheming
Response-- P and B turn to the Gentiles
13:50ff-- The Jews incited some leaders of the city to begin a persecution against P and B and they were driven out
Response-- P and B shook the dust of their feet off
14:2ff-- Jews who disbelieved embittered Gentiles against the brothers; finally, a group of Jews and Gentiles and authorities attempted to stone them
Response--P and B fled
14:19ff-- Jews from Antioch stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city
Response-- Paul got up and left the city the next day
14:22-- We must enter the kingdom of God through many tribulations (prob--like those that Christ suffered)
16:19ff-- Paul and Silas are takent to court, as Jews, because of casting out a demon from a girl; They are beaten; thrown into prison
Response--Singing hymns of God; An earthquake set them free;
17:5ff-- The Jews formed a mob and attacked the house of Jason, where P and S were staying, and took him to the authorities
Response-- Jason gave a pledge to the authorities and the disciples sent Paul and Silas to Berea
17:13-14-- Jews of Thessalonica stir up crowds against P and S
Response-- The brothers send Paul away to the sea
18:6--Jews resisted the gospel of Jesus and blasphemed
Response-- Paul goes to the gentiles; God tells Paul not to be afraid, but to keep speaking
18:12ff-- the Jews take Paul to the judgment seat; Sosthenes is beaten in front of the judgment seat
Response-- the Governor drives them away; Paul leaves after a few days
19:8ff-- Those in the synagogue were hardened to the gospel and they spoke evil of the Way publically
Response-- Paul withdrew from them
19:24ff-- A gentile assembly arose in opposition to the believers
Response-- The town clerk settles them down and sends them home
20:9f-- A young man falls from a third floor, listening to Paul and dies
Response-- Paul heals him
20:19-- Paul speaks the gospel with all tears and trials and humility
20:22ff-- Paul will face bonds and afflictions in Jerusalem, but he is willing to face them for Jesus
20:29f-- Savage wolves will spearate the flock, false prophets will arise--
Response-- be alert; hold to the gospel
20:34-- Paul supplied his own needs through his work, coveting no one's money or clothing
21:11-- Paul will be bound and delivered to the Gentiles by the Jews at Jerusalem
Response-- Paul was ready to be bound, even die for the name of Jesus
21:27ff-- The Jews in the temple laid hands on Paul because they thought he had brought a Gentile in the temple; he was dragged out of the temple, beaten; he was chained; after he spoke he was threatened
Response-- Paul tried to reason with the Jews, to no avail
22:24ff-- Paul is about to be scorged
Response-- He tells them he is a citizen and they do not treat him that way
22:29ff-- The Jews accuse him and he speaks before the council and cheif priests; the high priest commands him to be struck
Response-- Paul rebukes the high priest, then retracts it when he finds out who he is. In the midst of the trial, Paul says he is on trial because of the resurrection of the dead and the council is thrown in disarray
23:10f-- Paul is taken back to the barracks
Response-- the Lord stood by paul and encouraged him
23:12-- Some Jews make a vow to kill Paul and involved the cheif priests and council to be involved in it.
Response-- the plot is reported to Paul who had the Roman commander-- Paul is taken to Caesarea


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