The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Use of Egypt in the OT

Hebrew word-- Misraim
Son of Ham-- Gen 10:6
Refuge in Famine-- Gen 12
Seen as very fertile-- Gen 13;10
Land from the river of Egypt given to Abrahm-- Gen 15:18
Isaac commanded not to go to Egypt-- Gen 26:2
King of Egypt is Pharaoh-- hebrew word, par'oh
Joseph prevents famine in Egypt and surrounding areas-- Gen 41
God tells Jacob not to be afraid to go to Egypt-- Gen 46:3
Jacob blesses Pharaoh-- Gen 47
Egyptian and Hebrew blood mixed-- Gen 48:5
Israel enslaved in Egypt under new dynasty-- Exodus 1
Pharaoh attempts genocide against Israel
Moses raised in Pharaoh's household-- Ex 2
Yahweh fought war against Pharaoh and Egypt-- Ex 3-12
Yahweh delivered Israelites and destroyed Pharaoh's army-- Ex 14-15
Egypt is a byword for pleanty to eat-- Ex 16:3; Num 11:5, 18; 20:5;
Egypt is a byword for oppression-- Ex 20:2
Israel to remember their oppression in Egypt and not to treat others as they were treated-- Ex 22:20, 23:9; Lev 19:34; Deut 10:19; Deut 24
Egypt seen as a negative ethical example-- Lev 18:3
Main characteristic of God as the one who delivered the Israelites out of Egypt-- Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua 24, Judges; I Sam 10:18; II Sam 7:23; II Kings 17:36; Ps 81:6; Jeremiah 2:6, 16:14, 23:7; Dan 9:15; Amos 2:10, 3:1; Micah 6:4;
God bought Israel from Egypt, so they are not to treat their brothers as slaves-- Lev 25
Yahweh judged the Egyptian gods during the plagues-- Numbers 33:4
Battle against Egypt is seen as example of how Yahweh will fight for Israel in the future-- Deut 1:30
Because the Israelites were forced workers in Egypt, God commands them to take one day off of seven-- Deut 5:15
Egyptian slavery and deliverance is to be remembered and passed on from generation to generation-- Deut 6, 7:18
The new land will be more fertile than Egypt-- Deut 11
Egypt is a source of military might-- Deut 17:16; II Kings 18:24; Isa 31
When Israel is disobedient, the plagues of Egypt will visit them-- Deut 28:27, 60
When Israel is disobedient, they will return to Egypt-- Deut 28:68
Israel's border is the "brook" of Egypt to the Sea-- Josh 15:47
Retelling of Exodus story-- Joshua 24:4-7; I Sam 12:6-8; Neh 9; Ps 78; Ps 105; Ps 106; Ps 135:9-9; Ps 136:10-11; Jer 32:20-21
Pharaoh and Egyptians as example of stubbron rebellion- I Sam 6:6
Solomon's wisdom surpassed the wisdom of Egypt-- I Kings 5:10
Deliverance from Egypt seen as part of Yahweh's name, even when applied to idols-- I Kings 12:28; Exodus 32
Egypt fought agianst Jerusalem-- I Kings 14:25; II Chron 12
Egyptian kings can be hired to fight for other nations-- II Kings 7:6
Egypt's military support is like a crushed reed-- if you lean on it, you yourself will be harmed-- II Kings 18:21; Isa 36:6; Ez 29:6
Pharaoh killed Josiah when he opposed him and replaced him with his son-- II Kings 23:29, 34
The rulers of Israel ran to Egypt to escape the Chaldeans-- II Kings 25:26
Solomon's military might came from Egypt-- II Chron 1:16-17; 9:28
"When they came out of Egypt" used as a time marker
Egypt will worship God-- Ps 68:32
Chaldeans seen as like Egypt-- Isa 10:24-26
Yahweh will collect his people from Egypt-- Isa 11:11
Isa 11:15, 27:12; -- Yahweh will destroy the waters of Egypt
Judgement against Egypt-- Isa 19, Egypt will give their allegiance to Israel and Yahweh; Egypt will cry out to Yahweh due to their oppressors and Yahweh will deliver them
Israel is not to seek Egypt for military aid-- Isa 30, 31, 36
The Egypt of military might is to be humiliated and destroyed, the Egypt that seeks Yahweh will be exalted-- Isa 19, 30,
Israel that depends on Egypt will be humiliated, Israel that depends on Yahweh will be exalted-- Isa 31
Egypt is the price paid for Israel's deliverance-- Isa 43:3
Eschatalogical promise-- the wealth of Egypt will be given to Israel-- Isa 45:14
Going to Egypt to worship their gods is an aboimination-- Jer 2
All the nations are uncircumcised-- Jer 9:26
Pharaoh's assistance with military might will come to nothing-- Jer 37:7
Those who go to Egypt for safety will perish there-- Jer 42-44
Egyptian temples will be destroyed-- Jer 43:12f
Israel burned sacrifices to Egyptian gods-- Jer 44:8
Egypt will be destroyed-- Jer 46
Israel "played the harlot" with Egyptians (idolatry, depended on military strength?)-- Eze 16:26; 23
Yahweh delivered Israel from Egypt, but they did not forsake the idols of Egypt-- Eze 20:7ff
Yahweh against Pharaoh who declared himself a god; Yahweh will cause Egypt to be desolate-- Ez 29:3ff, 30, 32
Yahweh will cause all production of idols to cease in Egypt-- Eze 30
The Egyptians will be scattered throughout the lands-- Ez 30:23
Daniel 11-- King of Egypt (Ptolomy)
Hos 7:11-- Ephraim seeks out Egypt
Hos 8:13; 9:3-6-- Israel will return to Egypt
They will not return to Egypt, but Assyria-- Hos11:5
They will return from both Egypt and Assyria--Hos 11:11; Zech 10:10
Egypt will be destroyed for the violence they did against Judah-- Joel 3:19
Seas of Egypt will dry up-- Zech 10:11
Egypt will celebrate Israel's feasts-- Zech 14:18-19


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