The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Significant Incarnation Texts

Summary of conclusions at bottom of post

John 1:1-5, 9-14--
The Word was a power in the spirit world-- creator of all things in this universe with God, and, frankly was God. It was life and there was no death; it was light (exposure, knowledge), and there was no darkness.
When that power came into the world, it became darkened, unknown, unaccepted by the ones whom he had created. Nevertheless, through this very rejection, some were granted the ability to be sons of God
The well-known, accepted one became an outcast for the sake of allowing some to be children of God. Moral: believe in the Word

II Cor 8:9
Jesus was rich and he sacrificed it to become poor so that through this others might become rich.
Translation: Jesus had much and was granted much honor in the spirit world, which he surrendered to be a poor man and dishonored so that others might have honor before God
Rich=honor, see Rev 3:17
Moral-- give up your wealth to those who are in need

Phil 2:4-11
Jesus was divine, but he emptied himself, becoming human, becoming slave-like, and allowing himself to die a shameful death. So God allowed him to be exalted in the spirit world, above every other power.
Translation: Jesus was honored in the spirit world, gave it up to gain great dishonor and so gained the greatest honor in both universes
Moral-- Christians should not focus on their own honor, but grant honor to others.

John 6:41-42, 51, 57-58
Jesus came from heaven, so that some may partake of his flesh and blood and so live eternally

John 8:42
Jesus came from God and he did not come by his own desire, but God sent him

John 9:39
Jesus came into this world to create reversals-- those who seen to know become ignorant, and those who are ignorant become knowers

John 16:27-28
Jesus came from the spirit world and he is returning to that world again. Moral: Believe that the son came from God.

John 17:8
One of Jesus' significant goals-- to train the disciples in the incarnation

John 18:36-37
Jesus came into this world to become a king, but his kingdom is not of this world, but the spirit world. Jesus came into this world to tell the truth, and to become a kin

Heb 1:3-2:15
Jesus was greater than angels, for he was called a son, and begotten by God; he was to be worshipped by angels; angels are servants, but Jesus was to be served by his enemies. (1:4-14)
Jesus was made lower than angels for a period of time, becoming a human and suffering testing and death. (2:9, 14)
Because of his humanity and death:
-Jesus was granted the place of honor-- the right hand of God (1:3)
-All things were placed under Jesus' rule (2:5-8)
-Jesus allowed many humans to acheive freedom from death by sanctifying them (9, 11, 14)

Col 1:15-22
Jesus was in the spirit world, haivng the fullness of God, the head of the kingdom of God, the beginning of all things, the creator of all things, including all authorities.
Jesus was killed by those authorities as dishonored in order to reconcile all things to God.
Moral-- You have been made right with God through Jesus. No other intermediary?

Pattern of incarnation
Jesus had great honor in the spirit world
He surrendered that honor in order to deliver some from seperation from God
His surrender was a sacrifice of all honor due him
Because of this sacrifice, Jesus was able to obtain greater honor and save others


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