The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Forgiveness in the NT

ilaskomai-- "propitiation" or "forgivneness"
Exodus 32:14-- Because of Moses' intercession, the Lord "ilasthe" (was pursuaded/relented) to preserve his people
Deuteronomy 21:8-- The town nearby a murder will be "eksilasthestetai" (forgiven) of any guilt by proclaiming their innocence and asking for "ileos" (forgivness)
II Kings 5:18-- Naaman is asking for "ilasetai" (be pardoned) for having to bow in the house of Rimmon with his master.
II Kings 24:4-- Because of the innocent blood which Manassah shed, the Lord would not "ilasthevai" pardon it
II Chron 6:30-- A request for the Lord to hear the requests of the people during a famine or plague as they lift their hands toward the temple of God and to "ilase" forgive them according to their hearts.
Luke 18:13-- The tax collector is asking for mercy from God because he is a sinner.
Hebrews 2:17-- The high priest is asking for forgiveness for the sins of the people

ilastrepion-- "mercy seat" "means of forgiveness" "place of forgiveness"
Exodus 25-- Mercy seat-- the throne of God in the tabernacle. "I will meet you above the ilastrerion and I will speak to you about all that I will give ou in commandment for the sons of Israel" (25:22)
ex. 31:7-- The mercy seat
Ex 35:12-- the mercy seat
Ex 37-- mercy seat
Leviticus 16-- mercy seat; if Aaron does not approach the mercy seat in just the right way, he will die.
Numbers 7:89-- A voice spoke from above the mercy seat
Amos 9:1-- mercy seat
Ezekiel 43-- mercy seat
Hebrews 9:5-- mercy seat
4Maccabees 17:22-- The blood of the martyrs provided a ilastreriou means of forgiveness
Romans 3:25-- whom God displayed publically as a ilastrerion

Lev. 25:9-- day of atonement
Num. 5:8-- ram of atonement-- price paid to a relative or a priest to make restitution for a wrong done-- accompanied with confession
II Mac 3:33-- the high priest was asking for recovery for a man so the king did not think the Jews were doing wrong. He offered a sacrifice with it, which was called a "ilasmon"
Psalm 130:4-- There is ilasmos forgiveness with you
Amos 8:14-- Hebrew-- sin Greek- ilasmou/forgivness-- in an oath
Ezekiel 44:27-- On that day he shall offer his ilasmon--
sin offering or means of purificaiton
I John 2:2-- He is the ilasmos for our sins and for the whole world's
I JOhn 4:10-- God sent his son to be the ilasmon of our sins.

Gain forgiveness through sacrifice-- not used in NT


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