Blood in the Law
Shedding of blood = death-- Gen 9; Gen 37:22
No eating of blood-- Gen 9; Lev 3:13; 7:26-27; 17:10-14; 19:26; Deut 12:16, 23; 15:23; Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25
Eating blood connected with occultism-- Lev 19:26
blood calls out-- Gen 4
blood=life-- Gen 9:4; Lev 17:14; Deut 12:23
Justice for shedding man's blood is having blood shed-- Gen 9:6
kill then cover up blood (hide blood from God so there won't be a repeat of Cain?)-- Gen 37:26
Blood as a sign-- Ex 12
Blood spinkled on people for establishing covenant-- Ex 24
Atonement through blood-- Ex 30:10
In sacrifices, blood is to be sprinkled around the altar-- Ex 29; Lev 1, 3, 4, etc.
The blood of birth causes a woman to need purification for 33 days-- Lev. 12
Blood mixed with hyssop will purify-- Lev 14:51
Menstrual blood causes impurity-- Lev 15
The blood is the life of the flesh-- Lev 17:11
Blood is given on the altar for atonement-- Lev. 17:11
Blood avenger-- one who acts in vengeance of a killing-- accidental or otherwise-- Num 35; Deut 19
Blood pollutes the land-- Num 35:31ff
No expiation can be made for land in which blood was shed on, except by the blood of the one who shed it-- Num 35:33; Deut 19:13
The blood of animals is to be poured out on the ground-- Deut 12:16
Innocent blood must be avenged if the land is to be pure-- Deut 19
Purification from the shedding of innocent blood-- Deut 21:1-9
Deut 32:42-- Yahweh will avenge the blood of his servants, thus will atone for his land and people
People eating with blood-- I Sam 14:32f.
Sin against innocent blood-- I sam 19:5
Sinning by shedding blood and taking vengeance by one's own hand-- I Sam 25:26, 31
Require blood when wicked men kill a righteous man-- II Sam 4:11
flesh and blood-- physical life-- eph 6:12; Gal 1:16; I cor 15:50; Heb 2:14;
All things are cleaned through blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgivness-- Heb 9:22
No eating of blood-- Gen 9; Lev 3:13; 7:26-27; 17:10-14; 19:26; Deut 12:16, 23; 15:23; Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25
Eating blood connected with occultism-- Lev 19:26
blood calls out-- Gen 4
blood=life-- Gen 9:4; Lev 17:14; Deut 12:23
Justice for shedding man's blood is having blood shed-- Gen 9:6
kill then cover up blood (hide blood from God so there won't be a repeat of Cain?)-- Gen 37:26
Blood as a sign-- Ex 12
Blood spinkled on people for establishing covenant-- Ex 24
Atonement through blood-- Ex 30:10
In sacrifices, blood is to be sprinkled around the altar-- Ex 29; Lev 1, 3, 4, etc.
The blood of birth causes a woman to need purification for 33 days-- Lev. 12
Blood mixed with hyssop will purify-- Lev 14:51
Menstrual blood causes impurity-- Lev 15
The blood is the life of the flesh-- Lev 17:11
Blood is given on the altar for atonement-- Lev. 17:11
Blood avenger-- one who acts in vengeance of a killing-- accidental or otherwise-- Num 35; Deut 19
Blood pollutes the land-- Num 35:31ff
No expiation can be made for land in which blood was shed on, except by the blood of the one who shed it-- Num 35:33; Deut 19:13
The blood of animals is to be poured out on the ground-- Deut 12:16
Innocent blood must be avenged if the land is to be pure-- Deut 19
Purification from the shedding of innocent blood-- Deut 21:1-9
Deut 32:42-- Yahweh will avenge the blood of his servants, thus will atone for his land and people
People eating with blood-- I Sam 14:32f.
Sin against innocent blood-- I sam 19:5
Sinning by shedding blood and taking vengeance by one's own hand-- I Sam 25:26, 31
Require blood when wicked men kill a righteous man-- II Sam 4:11
flesh and blood-- physical life-- eph 6:12; Gal 1:16; I cor 15:50; Heb 2:14;
All things are cleaned through blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgivness-- Heb 9:22
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