The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Summary of Jesus' Parables

Basic Discipleship/True Faith
1. Wise and Foolish builders—Matt. 7:24-27; Luke 6:47-49
The one who gains God’s approval at the day of judgement is the one who hears and does Jesus’ words.
2. Building a tower—Luke 14:28-30
Take care to finish the sacrifices Jesus’ requires if you begin to follow him.
3. The two sons—Matt. 21:28-32
The one who is faithful to God is not the one who says they will obey, but the one who does obey.
4. Talents/Pounds—Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27
The servant of Jesus must take what Jesus gives him and do work with it, or he will be judged.
5. The Slave’s Duty—Luke 17:7-10
The servant of God/Jesus does not look for a reprieve, but keeps working.
6. The Sower—Mark 4:3-8,13-20; Matt. 13:3-8, 18-23; Luke 8:5-8, 11-15
The word of God is spread to many different kinds of people—some believing, some not.
The word of God only is fully accepted and enduring among a few from all who listen.
Unbelief, testing and concern for this world will destroy the work of the word.
7. Treasure in the Field—Matt. 13:44
A person must sacrifice much to gain the joy of the kingdom
8. Pearl of Great Price—Matt. 13:45-46
A person must sacrifice much to gain the joy of the kingdom.
Various Ethical Issues
9. Trees and Fruit— Matt. 7:17-20; Matt. 12:33-34; Luke 6:43-45
You know if a person is good or bad by their actions and words. A person’s actions and words come from who they are inside.
10. Unforgiving Slave—Matt. 18:23-35
Whoever does not forgive the one who sins against them will not be forgiven by God.
11. Good Samaritan—Luke 10:25-37
Show mercy to everyone who has need, no matter who they are.
12. Pharisee and Tax Collector—Luke 18:10-14
Repentance makes one righteous; lack of repentance is lack of righteousness.
13. Speck/Beam in Eye—Matt 7:3-5; Luke 6:41-42
Do not judge other’s sins without first repenting of your own sin.
Parables on Wealth
14. Rich Fool—Luke 12:16-21
The one who focuses on wealth in the present life is not ready for the judgement.
15. Rich man and Lazarus—Luke 16:19-31
Greedy people with no concern for the poor will suffer after they die
Poor people will be comforted after they die
Moses clearly speaks to Jews what they should do with their wealth
16. King going to war—Luke 14:31-33
To prepare for judgement, we should surrender our wealth to God’s purposes.
17. Unjust steward—Luke 16:1-8
The disciple of Jesus should use wealth for the sake of needy righteous people so those righteous people will prepare a place for you in the kingdom.
Parables on Prayer
18. The friend at midnight—Luke 11:5-8
Be persistent in your request to God.
19. A Father’s good gifts—Matt. 7:9-11; Luke 11:11-13
God will grant any request that is good for his children.
20. The Unjust judge—Luke 18:1-8
The disciple needs to be persistant in his request to God and God will answer
Kingdom Parables
21. The Sower—Mark 4:3-8,13-20; Matt. 13:3-8, 18-23; Luke 8:5-8, 11-15
The word of God is spread to many different kinds of people—some believing, some not.
The word of God only is fully accepted and enduring among a few from all who listen.
Unbelief, testing and concern for this world will destroy the work of the word.
22. Seed Growing—Mark 4:26-29
The approach of the kingdom of God is unknown-- both the means of it happening and the timing--, but when it comes, action is necessary.
23. Mustard Seed—Mark 4:30-32; Matthew 13:31-32; Luke 13:18-19
The kingdom of God begins as insignificant, but in the end it will control all the nations of the world.
24. Leaven—Matt. 13:33; Luke 13:20-21
The kingdom of God is small but it becomes pervasive over time.
25. Treasure in the Field—Matt. 13:44
Once one discovers the reality of the kingdom, great sacrifice is necessary to gain it.
26. Pearl of Great Price—Matt. 13:45-46
Once one discovers the reality of the kingdom, great sacrifice is necessary to gain it.
28. The Weeds and the Wheat—Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43
At the judgement, those who do good and bad will be separated by the angels.
Until then, the good and bad will live together.
God intended the world to be filled with good people.
Satan caused people to do bad actions.
At the end, the good people will live with God in the kingdom
At the end, the bad people will be punished eternally
29. The Dragnet—Matt. 13:47-50
At the judgment, those who do good and bad will be separated by the angels.
At the end, the good people will live with God in the kingdom.
At the end, the bad people will be punished eternally
Parables of Jesus’ Ministry
30. Doctor healing the sick—Mark 2
A minister of repentance needs to speak and associate with those who need repentance.
31. Lost Sheep—Matt. 18:12-14; Luke 15:4-7
A leader of God’s people will leave the many who are doing well to bring back one who has fallen away. And when the fallen away return, there is great rejoicing.
32. Lost coin—Luke 15:8-10
A master of God’s people will leave the many who remain to bring back one who has fallen away. And then the fallen away return, there is great rejoicing.
33. Prodigal son—Luke 15:11-32
Some of God’s people will rebel and fall away
Some of those who fall away come to their senses and come back.
God accepts a repentant one back as if it were a resurrection.
Some who have not fallen away do not accept the repentant
God expects the repentant to be accepted by all of his people
Those who do not accept the repentant are outside the kingdom
34. Children in the marketplace—Matt. 11:16-19; Luke 7:31-35
The leaders of the Jews liked neither Jesus nor John for seeming arbitrary reasons.
35. Two debtors—Luke 7:41-43
The one whom God has forgiven more, displays more devotion
36. Banquet/Wedding feast—Luke 14:16-24; Matt. 22:1-14
God’s kingdom comes for the Jewish leaders
The Jewish leaders rejected the kingdom of God when it came
The Jewish leaders will not enter the kingdom
God’s kingdom is now offered to the Jewish outcasts and the Gentiles
Those who do not have righteous practices will not enter God’s kingdom
37. Wicked Tenants—Mark 12:1-12; Matt. 21:33-46; Luke 20:9-19
The Jewish leaders were in rebellion against God.
The prophets God sent to correct them were ignored, beaten and killed.
God sent Jesus—his Son— to correct them
They killed Jesus
God would then punish the Jewish leaders, cast them out of his kingdom
God will hand the leadership of his kingdom to other leaders.
38. Workers in the vineyard—Matt. 20:1-16
God is generous enough to grant those who have fallen away and who repent an equal opportunity for reward as those who have never fallen away.
God rebukes those who have not fallen away who complain about this arrangement.
39. Strong man—Mark 3:22-27; Matt. 12:29-30; Luke 11:21-23
Satan must be attacked and overcome in order to gain those enslaved by him.
Day of Judgement Parables
40. The Barren Fig Tree—Luke 13:6-9
God will grant his people another space of time to act in righteousness before he judges them.
The Weeds and the Wheat—Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43
At the judgement, those who do good and bad will be separated by the angels.
Until then, the good and bad will live together.
God intended the world to be filled with good people.
Satan caused people to do bad actions.
At the end, the good people will live with God in the kingdom
At the end, the bad people will be punished eternally
The Dragnet—Matt. 13:47-50
At the judgment, those who do good and bad will be separated by the angels.
At the end, the good people will live with God in the kingdom.
At the end, the bad people will be punished eternally
King going to war—Luke 14:31-33
To prepare for judgement, we should surrender our wealth to God’s purposes.
41. Budding Fig Tree—Mark 13:28-32; Matt 24:32-36; Luke 21:29-33
You will know that the kingdom of God will be completed when you see the signs.
Disciples and the final day
42. Thief in the Night-- Matthew 24:43; Luke 12:39
No one knows when the kingdom will come, you need to be alert for it.
43. Watchman—Mark 13:34-36; Luke 12:35-38
No one knows when the kingdom will come, you need to be alert for it.
44. Ten Maidens—Matt. 25:1-13
Some disciples will be ready for the Son of Man coming, some will not. Only those disciples who are alert and waiting will enter the kingdom.
45. The Waiting Slaves—Mark 13:34-37; Luke 12:35-38
No one knows when the Son of Man will come, be alert for it at any time.
46. The Faithful and wise slave—Matthew 24:45-51; Luke 12:42-46
The disciple’s Lord is absent
One can be faithful and rewarded on the day of judgement,
or one can take advantage of the master’s absence for selfish motives and be punished on the day of judgement.
The one who knows more of the master’s will is responsible for more.
Talents/Pounds—Matthew 25:143-30; Luke 19:12-27
The disciple’s Lord is absent
The Lord granted all disciples something of worth.
Each disciple is responsible to use what they have of worth for his Lord’s benefit
Those who use what they have for the Lord’s benefit will be commended and given greater responsibility on the day of judgement
Those who fail to use what they have for the Lord’s benefit will be punished on the day of judgement.
The enemies of the Lord will be punished.
The Wise and Foolish Builders—Matt. 7:24; Luke 6:47-49
The one who hears the teaching of Jesus and does it will be rewarded on the day of judgement
The one who hears the teaching of Jesus and does not do it will be punished on the day of judgment.
On Teaching
47. The Blind leading the blind—Matt. 15:14; Luke 6:39
Bad teachers cause destruction to themselves and others.
48. Unshrunk Cloth—Mark 2:21; Matthew 9:16; Luke 5:36
To mix a new teaching with an old practice causes both things to fail.
49. New Wine—Mark 2:22; Matthew 9:17; Luke 5:37-39
To mix a new teaching with an old practice causes both things to fail. And the old will be considered better.
50. Lamp on a stand—Mark 4:21ff; Matt. 5:15-16; Luke 8:16; Luke 11:33
Jesus’ teachings and the practices he offers ought to be displayed, proclaimed.
51. Old and New Treasures—Matthew 13:52
The disciple who has learned from Jesus will have both the old and new teachings to teach.

Foolishness in the OT

Deut 22:21-- Acting like a harlot in one's father's house
Judges 19:23f--Having sex with a man to disgrace him
I Samuel 25:25-- Reviling his protector
II Sam 13:12-- Having sex with one's sister
Proverbs 5-- Committing adultery
Ecc 2:3-- foolish pleasure--getting drunk?
Ecc 2:12-13-- wanton pleasure?

Foolishness is mentioned as a sin that makes one unclean by Jesus in Mark 7