The Radical Exegete

Some folks just want pure Bible- and that's what this site is for. It isn't always pretty, and the writing is rarely excellent, but if you're looking for a study done on a particular bible topic, we might have it! These are a posting of my personal studies and I hope they are helpful for some.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Honor and Dishonor Terms in the Bible

Conclusions are at the bottom of the post


Kabod-- Honor, glory, be heavy, great, huge, severe

Shechem was an honored member of his family-- Gen 34:19
Moses is heavy of speech, tongue-- Exo 4:10
Pharaoh "heavied" his heart-- Exodus 8:11, etc.
Yahweh is honored through Pharaoh and chariots during exodus-- Ex 14:4, 18
Moses' task is too great-- Exo 18:18; Num 11:14
Honor father and mother-- Ex 20:12; Deut 5:16
Yahweh will be treated as holy, and so will be honored-- Lev. 10:3
Baalam promised honor through wealth-- Num 22:17-18, 37
Yahweh's name is honored-- Deut 28:58
Prosperity honors God and man-- Judges 9:9
Eli honors his sons over Yahweh, for they have made themselves fat with Yahwehs offerings-- I Sam 2:29
Honor is opposite of despise, contempt; those who honor Yahweh consistently will be honored by him-- I Sam 2:30
Man of God, who is held in honor-- I Sam 9:6
Honor Saul by returning with him-- I Sam 15:30
David honored more than any in Saul's house-- I Sam 22:14
David dishonored himself by uncovering himself, and he will humble himself even more-- II Sam 6:20-22
David honored the Ammonites by sending comforters when their king died-- II Sam 10:3
Honor establishes position-- II Sam 23:23
Jehoash defeated Edom and so enjoys honor-- II Kings 14:10
Those who honor those who fear the Lord may remain in Yahweh's tent-- Ps 15:4
Honor Yahweh-- fear, praise stand in awe of him-- Ps 22:24
Call on Yahweh in trouble, Yahweh saves, the one saved gives him honor-- Ps 50:15
Offer a sacrifice of thankgiving honors Yahweh-- Ps 50:23
Nations worshipping Yahweh honor him-- Ps 86:9
Giving thanks honors Yahweh-- Ps 86:12
Yahweh's salvation is honor to the one who cries to him-- Ps 91:15
Yahweh is honored through wealth and produce-- Prov 3:9
Wisdom will honor you if you prize and embrace her-- Prov 4:8
He who helps the poor honors God-- Prov 14:31
The one who cares for his master will be honored-- Prov 27:18
A people who oppresses themselves is where the lowly insult the honored-- Isa 3:5
The land of Zebulun, etc were treated with contempt, but now with honor-- Isa 9:1
Tyre will be destroyed in order that the honored of the earth might be despised-- Isa 23:9
To honor the Lord is to honor his name in all places-- Isa 24:15
Strong people will honor Yahweh, and cities of ruthless nations-- Isa 25:3
Yahweh is honored by increasing his nation-- Isa 26:15
Honor with lips only is not true honor-- Isa 29:13
Israel is honored and so others are sacrificed in her place-- Isa 43:4
Desert creatures will honor Yahweh-- Isa 43:20
Israel has not honored Yahweh with sacrifices-- Isa 43:23
Yahweh strengthens those whom he honors-- Isa 49:5
Yahweh's sabbath is honored if one does not act in his own interests-- doing one's own things, seeking one's own pleasure, speaking one's own word-- Isa 58:13
Yahweh's temple will be honored by great materials to make it with-- Isa 60:13
The honored will be multiplied and made significant-- Jer. 30:19
Nakedness is dishonorable-- Lam 1:8
Being cast lots for or chained is dishonorable-- Nah 3:10
A son honors his father and a servant his master, Yahweh is dishonored by defiled offerings-- Mal 1:6-7

hadar-- honor, be partial toward, majesty

In judgment, one must not be partial toward the poor or rich-- Exodus 23:3; Lev 19:15
Honor the aged-- Lev 19:32
Yahweh has honor before him-- I Chron 16:27
Only God can exalt himself with honor and majesty-- Job 40:10
God crowned man with honor-- Ps 8:5
God grants the king honor by saving him-- Ps 21:5
Yahweh's voice is full of honor-- Ps 29:4
God is majestic-- Ps 45:4-5; 90:16; 96:6; Ps 104:1; Ps 145:5
God's work is majestic-- Ps 111:3
God's kingdom is majestic-- Ps 145:12
To bind the nations is an honor to God's people-- Ps 149:8-9
A young mans strength is his honor; an old man's gray hair is his honor-- Pro 20:29
Do not honor yourself in the presence of great people-- Prov 25:6
Hide from Yahweh's majesty, which is shown by earthquakes-- Isa 2:10, 19, 21
Yahweh's servant has no honor or majesty-- Isa 53:2
Yahweh's garments are majestic-- Isa 63:1
Elders were not honored-- Lam 5:12
The majesty of God-- i.e garments-- made Israel beautiful-- Eze 16:14

Par'ar-- beautify, glory, boast

Pharaoh setting the time instead of Moses-- Ex 8:5
Israelites boasting-- Judges 7:2; Isaiah 10:15
Glory, beautify the house of God-- Ezr 7:27
Exalt the humble (anawim), honor them-- Psalm 149:4
The Lord glories himself in Israel--Isa 44:23; 49:3
Yahweh glorifies Israel-- Isa 55:5; 60:9
Yahweh will glorify his house-- Isa 60:7, 13
The people will be righteous to glorify God-- Isa 60:21; 61:3
God has glorified his servant-- Isa 61:10

Kalam-- be ashamed

Numbers 12:14-- a woman is put to shame for seven days if her father spit in her face
Judges 18:7-- Security-- no rulers putting them to shame for anything, no covenants with anyone.
Ruth 2:15-- do not shame Ruth, the gleaner
I Sam 20:33-34-- Saul dishonored Johnathan because he threw a spear at him
II Sam 10:5-- Men shamed because they were shorn
II Sam 19:3-- people humiliated because of losing in battle
Ezra 9:6-- Shame because of sin
Job 19:3-- You are not ashamed to wrong me
Psalm 35:4/40:14-- Shame, humiliation, dishonor, dismay, defeat, repulsion, turned back-- all versions of shame
Ps 44:9-- Rejected by God is a shame
Ps 70:3-- Let shame be on those who delight in my hurt
Ps 74:21-- poor and needy and oppressed are shamed, but God can save them from it.
Prov 25:8-- To lose a court case is shameful
Prov 28:7-- a bad son is shameful to a father
Isaaa 41:11-- Those will be ashamed/will perish
Isaiah 45:17-- You will not be ashamed for eternity
Isa 50:6-7-- I suffer shame-- striking, my beard torn out, spitting my face, but because God hellps me, I am not ashamed, and I will not be ashamed when he helps me.
Isa 54:1-5-- Barren women are ashamed, but the Lord will call them his own and they will not be ashamed, so forget the shame of your youth
Jer 3:3; 6:15; 8:12-- You sinned and were punished, but you refused to be ashamed
Jer 14:3-4-- A drought is a shame to the rulers and the farmers.
Jer 22:22-- God will make ashamed those who are wicked
To have one's lovers abandon her is shameful
Eze 16-- the infant was shamed-- God delivered her from shame; the young woman was faithless, but had no shame; God will shame her and restore her to himself.
Eze 36:32-- God is not redeeming Israel for her sake, and this should shame her for her sins
Eze 43:10-11-- The plans of the temple should shame those who sin before the Lord


Timao-- to honor, to assist, to set a price on

Matt 15:4; Mark 7:10-- Honor father and mother is providing for them
Matt 15:8; Mark 7:6-- They honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from him
Honor the Son as they do the Father; he who does not honor the Son, does not honor the Father who sent him-- John 5:23
I honor the Father (with miracles?), and you dishonor me (by accusing him of having a demon)--John 8:49
If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him-- John 12:26
They honored us with honors-- Acts 28:10
Honor all people, honor the king-- I pet 2:17
Time-- honor, price (noun)
a prophet has no honor in his own country-- john 4:44
Giving the honor/price of the land to the apostles-- Acts 4:34-5:3
Those who persevere in doing good will receive honor-- Rom 2:7, 10
Give preference to one another in showing honor-- Rom 12:10
Give honor to whom honor is due-- Rom 13:7
We give more honor to the less honorable-- I Cor 12:23
Elders who rule well are worthy of double honor-- I Tim 5:17
Slaves are to regard their masters as worthy of honor-- I Tim 6:1
Honor to God-- I Tim 1:17; 6:16; Rev 4:9, 11; 7:12
Vessels of honor and dishonor; some to wickedness, some to holiness-- Rom 9:21; II Tim 2:20-21; I Thess 4:4
Jesus granted honor, by granting him all the work of God-- Heb 2:7
Suffering was crowned with honor-- Heb 2:9
Jesus has more honor than Moses-- Heb 3:3
No one takes the honor of priesthood to himself, but accepts it when called by God-- Heb 5:4
The trials will be the proof of your faith which will result in honor at the revelation of Jesus-- I Peter 1:7
Husbands show your wife honor, so that your prayers may not be hindered-- I Pet 3:7
Jesus given honor by God's pronouncement-- II Pet 1:17
Jesus is worthy of honor-- Rev 5:12-13
The glory and honor of nations will go into the eternal city-- Rev 21:26

Protokathedria-- Seat of honor

Matt 23:6, Mark 12:39; Luke 14:7, 8; Luke 20:46

kataisxuno-- to be put to shame

Luke 13:17-- Jesus shamed his opponents by winning over the crowds with his arguments
Rom 5:5-- Hope does not shame us, because of the Holy Spirit
Rom 9:33/Rom 10:11/I Peter 2:6-- He who believes in the rock of offense will not be shamed
I Cor 1:27-- God has chosen the foolish things to shame the wise and the weak things to shame the strong
I Cor 11:22-- To shame those who have nothing is to disgrace the church of God.
II Cor 9:4-- If the Corinthians have nothing or little to give, and Paul comes to collect it with the Macedonians (who gave much out of their poverty), then Paul and the Corinthians would be shamed
I Peter 3:16-- If one slanders a believer who has done nothing wrong, than the slanderer will be shamed.

Atimaia--dishonor (noun)

Rom 1:26-- Desires which are dishonoring, eg homosexuality
Rom 9:21/II Tim 2:20-- the potter has the right to take some clay for honorable use and some for dishonorable use.
I Cor 11:14-- Nature teaches that a man's long hair is a dishonor to him
I Cor 15:43-- A body dies in dishonor, in weakness; it is raised in glory, in power
II cor 6:7-10
Glory--right hand, good report, remaining true, well-known, living, not put to death, rejoicing, making many rich, possessing all things
Dishonor-- left hand, evil report, considered deceivers, unknown, considered dying, considered punished, considered sorrowful, considered poor, having nothing
II cor 11:21-30-- our weakness has made us shamed, but I will speak boldly about our shame-- workers, imprisoned, beaten, in danger of death, lashed, rodded, toned, shipwrecked, a day and night in the ocean, journeys, many perils-- from rivers, robbers, Israelites, Gentiles, in the city, in the wildersness, at sea, from false brothers and sisters, working, hardship, sleepless nights, hunger, thirst, without food, in cold and exposure-- Paul is weak in all these things, and though some call it shame, it is his glory to boast in.

atimazo-- to dishonor
Mark 12:4/Luke 20:11-- the leaders of the age treated the messenger of the king/owner with dishonor (thus treating the king with dishonor)
Acts 5:41-- The apostles were honored because of the dishonor they had suffered
Rom 1:24-- People's bodies are dishonored by giving themselves to what they want-- impurity
Rom 2:23-- The followers of the law dishonor God by disobeying the Law
James 2:6-- By giving place to the rich and neglecting the needy, you dishonor the needy who are rich in faith.

astheneia-- weakness
Matt 8:17-- He took on our weaknesses
Luke 5:15; 8:2; Luke 13:11-12; John 5:5; Acts 28:9-- They were healed of their weaknesses
John 11:4-- the weakness will not end in death, but the glory of God
Rom 6:9-- I am speaking in earthly ways because of the weakness of your flesh
Rom 8:26-- The Spirit assists our weakness
I Cor 2:3-- I was with you in weakness and fear and trembling
I Cor 15:43-- the body is sown in weakness/shame, it is raised in glory/power
II Cor 11:30-- I will boast in my weaknesses
II cor 12:5-- I will not boast about visions, but about my weaknesses
II cor 12:9-- My grace is sufficient-- power is completed by weakness-- so Paul boasts about weaknesses
II cor 12:10-- Weaknesses-- insults, distresses, persecutions, difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong
II cor 13:4-- Jesus was crucified because of weakness, yet he lives because of hte power of God; we are weak in Him, yet we live in him because of hte power of God
Gal 4:13-- A fleshly weakness caused the gospel to be preached to the galatians
I Tim 5:23-- drink wine for your weaknesses
Heb 4:15-- Our high priest understands weakness and testing
Heb 5:2-- Jesus can deal gently with the ignorant and misguided, because he is subject to weakness
Heb 7:28-- Other high priests are continually weak, Jesus is complete forever
Heb 11:34-- from weaknesses some saints were made strong by faith.


What actions in ancient times were considered to be honoring of another?

To be treated as holy is to honor one
To fear a king is to honor him
For a king to win a battle is honor
To honor the people of the king is to honor the king
For a people to be multiplied is to be honored
To give someone excellent gifts is to honor them;
To have excellent materials or craftsmanship is to honor something
To beautify something is to honor it
To exalt something, to grant an exalted position is to honor it.
To praise something is to honor it
To be the desire of many is honoring
Allowing someone else to make a decision is honoring them
To thank someone for what they have done is to honor them
To help another in their time of need is to honor them
To give money to another is to honor them
To gain wealth is to be honored
To act in the interest for another, rather than one’s own interest is to honor
To have one’s name treated well is to honor that one
To be accompanied by the honored is honorable
Destruction of a city is dishonorable to the people

What actions were considered dishonorable to another?

To offer lousy gifts is to dishonor
To treat with contempt is to dishonor
To be naked is to be dishonored
To lose one's wealth is to be dishonored
To have what was yours given to another is dishonoring
Being imprisoned is dishonoring
Being chained is dishonoring
Having one’s blood spilled is dishonoring
To despise one is to dishonor them
To speak honor, but act in dishonor is dishonoring

How would one honor oneself?

To boast is to honor oneself
To gain wealth is to honor oneself
To steal is to honor oneself
To give oneself a position is to honor oneself

Basic Principles of honor:
To be dishonored for God or Christ is honor, both among the people of God now and among God for eternity
To dishonor a servant—because of his master— is to dishonor his master; to honor a servant is to honor his master
The church honors those held to be dishonored in the church
The church dishonors those who dishonor the master
The church honors those who are dishonored for Christ


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